Conversation the advances of Artificial Intelligence and Our Collective Future

Conversation the advances of Artificial Intelligence and Our Collective Future

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Amphithéâtre - Salle N6-205
Live broadcasting
Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence is evolving at a rapid pace, generating increasing interest and raising complex questions regarding its impact on society and humanity. In this captivating conference, hosted by Hélène Jouan from Le Monde, we will have the honor of welcoming two prominent experts in the field: Yoshua Bengio from the IVADO Institute and Marc-Antoine Dilhac from the University of Montreal. Together, they will delve deeply and enlighten us on both the positive aspects and intrinsic challenges of advanced AI systems. Their discussion will further our understanding of the implications of these technological advancements for our society and our destiny as a species. Join us for a fascinating exchange on the future of artificial intelligence and its multiple perspectives.

Types of contents
Opening conferences
Hybrid Full PassFull Pass onlineHybrid daily access October 10
AlgorythmsDeep learningCritical thinkingAI generativeAICollective Intelligence

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